LOCATION: Bakewell Point, Pallaeni System, Independent Territory, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captains Log.
The expedition is officially underway! Today at 20:00 UTC the first fleet of the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition was launched. The crew and I were listening to the Distant Radio frequency while the launch of Fleet 1 was broadcast along with music to keep everyone in good spirits. The first waypoint was broadcast and the CMDRs of Fleet 1 took off. The Adam told me later that his crew (listening to the frequency in their quarters on Bakewell Point) and much of the crew of the Point itself cheered the launch when it was announced, and some reported that they could hear the sound of FSDs firing in the distance accompanied by a barrage of flashing lights. I myself gave my own little cheer from the surface of Pallaeni A1 while scavenging some last-minute synthesis supplies. I want to be prepared since we're in Fleet 2, which launches in approximately 5 hours, followed by Fleet 3 not long after. This is a huge day for exploration, science, and space travel in general!
SUPPLEMENTAL: Upon returning to Bakewell Point I was surprised by the crew with a farewell party, organized by Adam and his team. We used the opportunity to thank everyone that has helped us thus far and say goodbye before going to our pre-launch posts. Adam checking the Avenger's systems, myself running through diagnostics, checks, making sure all my licenses are up to date and checking the navigational systems and plotting courses. T minus 4.5 hours until launch!
SUPPLEMENTAL: Fleet 2 of the Distant World's 2 Expedition has officially launched, and the Avenger with them! The Expedition leaders have broadcast the waypoint for Fleet 2 and some suggested places to see along the way, and with this information logged into our computers, Adam, the crew, and I all look forward to adventuring through the galaxy with the rest of the pilots involved.
The launch was bittersweet for some, leaving behind a large portion of the crew at Bakewell, but we're all very excited to see parts of the galaxy we've never seen or even dreamt of. The Avenger is currently in the HR 5413 System as I write this log, preparing to begin the route to The Omega Nebula. We were given a recommended route by the expedition's navigators, and the crew has elected to take that route so we can see the sights along the way.
The launch went rather smoothly; we had an isolated instance or two of pirates attempting to interfere, but the Fleet's fighter escort was able to deal with the threat quickly. Chances are these were more of the same pirates I learned about earlier that have been trolling the Pallaeni system. Hopefully, the crew I left behind will be able to help the system in whatever way they can. On the topic of the crew, I will here record the current crew of the Avenger:
Tarthalinor "Tarth" Elandan: Human, Male
Position: Commander, Navigator
Adam Campbell: Human, Male
Position: Chief Engineer, Co-Pilot
Jane "Murph" Murphy: Human (augmented), Female
Position: Communications, Mapping
Katha Colly: Human, Female
Position: Second Engineer, Loadmaster
Keve Edwan: Human (augmented), Male
Position: Science Officer, Superpower Relations, Data Technician
The crew is in remarkably good spirits considering we all have to do a number of jobs. In the above record, each crewmember is listed with the positions they most often fulfill, but we each take on what jobs we need in order to keep the Avenger running smoothly. The only person who sometimes mildly complains about this is Keve, but we let it go. Keve's an Imperial, he likes things just so, and we humor him. And tease him. He takes it well though.
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