The glass separating the interior of Bakewell Point from the cold vacuum of space seemed thinner than it had when Osmond had first arrived. That was before the pirate attacks; before the Expedition launched; before those pilots had died out in that same dark vacuum in unknown space far from home. Oz put his hand against the glass, imagining that the cold he could feel was anywhere close to the actual temperature out there. Asphyxiation or hypothermia, which would have killed them first? Or did they die in the explosion? Boarded and shot?
Staring out into the black, Oz felt like he could almost make out the launch point of the expedition, the last place everything in Pallaeni had been normal. Sure there had been some attacks here and there, but nothing hugely abnormal for a system where something big was happening. And who knows what they might be finding out there beyond civilized space? Thargoids, pirates, rogue CMDRs, betrayal from within...
Being in charge was no fun. Adam left Oz in command of the crew left at the station, but it wasn't like Oz was qualified. Of anyone, he would have chosen Ilona. But she was too busy trying to settle things with Bakewell higher-ups, smooth over relations after that argument, and go about getting help with the pirate investigation. They had managed to add someone to the team since the Expedition launch: Andrew Pynes, a human man not much older than Oz himself, some sort of ex-intelligence-operative from the Federation. With Laurence serving as a medic and Carmela helping Ilona with the task of jumping through all the political and legal hoops, they made a pretty good team. Not that there had been much chance to test that theory.
They had been loaned a ship, as sort of payment for helping out Bakewell Point with a few things, called the Dauntless, but hadn't had much chance to test her out for more than supply and data transport. She had been sold as a combat ship, but a Sidewinder can only do so much. And she could barely hold two people. They would have to get something bigger eventually.
Hearing footsteps, Oz turned away from the window. Coming down the corridor towards him was Ilona, flawless Imperial features contrasted by the somewhat battered dress uniform she was wearing. And she did not look happy.
"Bad news?" Oz asked, leaning against the window. Ilona always made him sort of uncomfortable.
"Oh, of course, it's bad news, Oz," he had been right, she wasn't happy. "'The leadership of Bakewell Point and representatives of Pallaeni General Co. are too preoccupied with internal affairs at the moment to receive visitors, please try again later.' I would have torn that thing out of the wall if I could have gotten away with it..." So she hadn't even gotten to talk to anyone. Great.
"Well, we can always try again tomorrow?" Oz said, hoping to calm her down.
"Oh suuure, don't mind us, just trying to save your asses! Don't you think you can use all the help you can get? It's not like this system is practically under siege or anything!"
Oz shrugged "I guess they don't think outside help is necessary. Which, yes--" He added, after a cutting look from Ilona "-- is a dumb idea, and they should definitely try to get what help they can in case there are more attacks..." he trailed off, looking back out into the black expanse surrounding the station. Her gaze followed his.
"They'll be fine, Oz. He'll be fine..."
"Right, yeah, I know..." Oz shook himself slightly and turned away from the window. "But you never know, I mean pirates are acting up like crazy recently, some actually followed the expedition, and then apparently some Commanders have gone rogue, I mean...what is happening out there?"
Ilona was about to answer, when an alarm above them suddenly whirred to live, accompanied by flashing red lights, and a voice over the PA system telling everyone to 'remain calm' and 'return to their quarters'. Ilona shot Oz a meaningful we'll-finish-this-later look and ran off in the opposite direction of their quarters. Oz shook his head and started off towards the crew's quarters.
"Hey, Oz? Think we've got a situation," Laurence was standing at the window in the common room, his eyes darting back and forth between several small fighters circling the station. "I'm pretty sure those aren't good news..." A small wing of Eagles was circling the station, hardpoints deployed, clearly looking for a fight. Oz screeched to a halt beside the medic, placing a hand heavily on his shoulder to support himself.
"Where...where's Andrew?" he panted, taking several deep breaths in an attempt to stand on his own after running across the station.
"He's already in the fighter bay, starting up the Dauntless. I told him not to go, but--" Oz was gone. If Andrew launched that ship he, and the crew, were going to be in deep trouble. After their trouble with the General Co. earlier, they had effectively been grounded on-station, any ship leaving the port under their callsigns would be either shot down or impounded. Not to mention severe legal action would be taken...
Oz rounded the corner to the fighter bay, almost careening into a group of other CMDRs in his hurry to get to the Dauntless. Stopping for a second, he spotted the beaten Sidewinder and ran over to the control station next to it, ripping the comms out of the hands of some unfortunate dock-worker.
"Andrew? Hey, Andrew, dammit, come in!"
Andrew's voice could be heard loud and clear over the comms. He was already in the cockpit, probably about to perform his preflight checks. "I don't take orders from you kid. I'm goin' out there to stop those bastards from putting holes in our house, you can thank me later. Preparing for launch."
The countdown began blinking on the monitor to Oz's right, and the launch pad began to rise to the surface. Oz took a step back, grasping at straws "Andrew, as your acting commander, I forbid you to--"
"Sorry, what was that, Commander? You're cutting out." Andrew switched off his comms, and Oz could hear landing gear retract above him and the Dauntless's signature on the monitor blinked off the edge of the screen and into the space around Bakewell. Oz collapsed into a chair, breathless, furious, and near panic. "Does he have any idea...." He muttered angrily to himself. "Fine. No, it's fine, I'll just tell him that it was his fault, he defied orders..." he stormed out of the control station, almost shoving the poor dock-worker off his feet as he went. "Just wait until the Captain hears about this, then you'll have to follow orders, you space-headed, half-witted..."
It continued like this almost the entire way back to the quarters, just up until he slammed the door to the common room and sat heavily down in a chair. He didn't notice the rest of the crew in the room until Laurence spoke.
"So, uh... I take it he launched?"
"Oh, yeah, he launched. And if he doesn't die out there by some miracle, I'm going to kill him when he comes back. That is if the Corporate police don't get to him first." He looked up and around the room. "Where's Ilona by the way?"
"Still banging on doors trying to get people to listen to her, I expect." Laurence pushed himself up off the chair, walking over to the window before pacing back again. "Look, all we can do is deny any support of his actions at this point. It's not as if we-"
Ilona burst into the room. "He did WHAT?!" the team sat still, stunned. Oz opened his mouth to answer but was cut off. "WHO gave him clearance to do this? Oz, I swear to god if it was you..."
"No, I tried to stop him!"
"Well I was actually making progress in getting us clearance to fly again, but I guess that's not happening now, huh? He better not die out there, I am so killing him when he gets back."
"Get in line," Carmela quipped from behind her datapad where she was watching the battles unfold from a security feed.
Ilona took a moment to calm herself. "I did manage to get us in with the Station Coordinators, so while station authorities will still take issue with us, we'll still be fine here. How much we can do stuck in this rustbucket I don't know, but-" there was a muffled explosion from outside, and Laurence dove away from the window. "Get down!"
The window managed to hold, but the fuselage from one of the pirate ships slammed into the reinforced glass hard enough to crack. A slight hissing sound filled the room, and the crew stood stunned for a moment before scrambling to the door. They barely managed to close the blast door before the window gave out and the room depressurized, sending most of the furniture hurtling into the abyss. The crew took a moment to breathe, and Laurence looked through the blast door viewer to assess the damage.
"Uh..guys..." rushing to the viewer, the crew could see a figure in a full space suit, helmet reflecting what little light was left in the room, floating towards the hole in the station. As it got closer they could see whoever it was had a personal propulsion system in their suit, as it began to actually control its descent rather than float like debris as it had first appeared. Landing in the room, they could hear the loud thunk of mag-boots activating, as the figure started to survey the room, looking for an exit before pulling out some sort of cutter.
"We need to go. Split up: Ilona, go yell at your police friends, tell them we're being boarded. Laurence, Carmela, with me, we're going to comb this floor and make sure everyone's alright. And if anyone hears from Andrew, tell him....just tell him to turn himself in or something, we don't need any more trouble." Oz ran off down the hall, Laurence and Carmela following. Ilona sighed "I'm really going to kill him..." and took off for security.
The figure looked around the room for a moment, before taking a step towards the door, slowly making his way across the room. Finally a score that mattered. No more looting random ships for material and credits that didn't matter. A chance to actually make a difference...
He started cutting through the door. No need to rush, he had all the time in the world...
Captain: Tarthalinor "Tarth" Elandan, TSCA Graduate of the class of 3303
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Monday, January 21, 2019
Entry 008: [Shapely and Beyond]
LOCATION: Orbiting Shapley 1 B, Shapley 1, Anarchic Space, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captain's Log.
The Avenger has arrived in the Shapley 1 system, our first stop on the way to Waypoint 1. Two days of travel through the black can be rather boring, but we're lucky for the journey to be uneventful, based on recent reports. The portion of the Expedition that is ahead of us have apparently already completed the construction of the outpost that was planned, supplying it with material and workers in record time. From what we've heard over comms, the station already is providing outfitting services for ships and that a detention center has been constructed nearby as well, providing security for the area. A memorial service is also being planned to honor those who fell early due to pirate or rogue CMDR attacks. We're counting ourselves very lucky that we're not on that list.
The crew's morale is surprisingly high, despite the seemingly-endless space travel, stars and planets whizzing by, but not much else happening. At least we have each other to talk to. This long without civilization is likely to drive lone CMDRs mad with boredom. Keve is even in good spirits, taking notes on all the planets we pass, and spearheading our use of the fuel scoop since it falls within his purvue as planetary science.
Fuel scooping is perhaps the most boring thing we've encountered, despite being massively helpful for exploration. We were only able to attach a very basic scoop onto the Avenger at Pallaeni, and thus filling our reserve takes a long time. It provides a good opportunity to talk though and take in the sights of a new system.
Shapely 1 is remarkable. There's not much in the system outside of its two stars, but the main one, Shapley 1 A, is a massive Wolf-Rayet star, blue-white and ominous in size. Keve tells me it is nearly 7200 years old, and many many times the size of Sol. We had initially thought about trying to scoop some fuel from it, but the radiation and temperature were too great, so we have moved to Shapley 1 B instead. I write this as we slowly orbit the star, waiting for our fuel cells to be refilled. The operation is a slightly dangerous one as we need to constantly keep an eye on the hull temperature, but otherwise, it is simple enough. Close to our next stop we know of a station called Hillary Depot and plan to stop there in the hopes of upgrading our fuel scoop to speed up our expedition. I expect the next update to be from that station.
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captain's Log.
The Avenger has arrived in the Shapley 1 system, our first stop on the way to Waypoint 1. Two days of travel through the black can be rather boring, but we're lucky for the journey to be uneventful, based on recent reports. The portion of the Expedition that is ahead of us have apparently already completed the construction of the outpost that was planned, supplying it with material and workers in record time. From what we've heard over comms, the station already is providing outfitting services for ships and that a detention center has been constructed nearby as well, providing security for the area. A memorial service is also being planned to honor those who fell early due to pirate or rogue CMDR attacks. We're counting ourselves very lucky that we're not on that list.
The crew's morale is surprisingly high, despite the seemingly-endless space travel, stars and planets whizzing by, but not much else happening. At least we have each other to talk to. This long without civilization is likely to drive lone CMDRs mad with boredom. Keve is even in good spirits, taking notes on all the planets we pass, and spearheading our use of the fuel scoop since it falls within his purvue as planetary science.
Fuel scooping is perhaps the most boring thing we've encountered, despite being massively helpful for exploration. We were only able to attach a very basic scoop onto the Avenger at Pallaeni, and thus filling our reserve takes a long time. It provides a good opportunity to talk though and take in the sights of a new system.
Shapely 1 is remarkable. There's not much in the system outside of its two stars, but the main one, Shapley 1 A, is a massive Wolf-Rayet star, blue-white and ominous in size. Keve tells me it is nearly 7200 years old, and many many times the size of Sol. We had initially thought about trying to scoop some fuel from it, but the radiation and temperature were too great, so we have moved to Shapley 1 B instead. I write this as we slowly orbit the star, waiting for our fuel cells to be refilled. The operation is a slightly dangerous one as we need to constantly keep an eye on the hull temperature, but otherwise, it is simple enough. Close to our next stop we know of a station called Hillary Depot and plan to stop there in the hopes of upgrading our fuel scoop to speed up our expedition. I expect the next update to be from that station.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Entry 007: [Underway Again]
LOCATION: Bakewell Point, Pallaeni System, Independent Territory, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captain's Log.
The Avenger is now space-worthy again! Outfitted with a new-and-improved FSD drive and a fuel scoop to match, the Avenger's range is now functionally infinite. It's nice to know that we don't have to rely on stations and ports to refuel and can just skim over a star or two on the way to recharge our engines. Fuel scooping can be dangerous, but only if you're not paying attention. Or if you get to close to the star. With all of our new modules, repairs, and updates, we're finally ready to head to the first stop on our way to The Omega Nebula: Shapely 1.
None of the crew really know much about Shapely, other than that it has been marked as a point of interest in many manuals, and nearly every exploratory flight that passes nearby has made a stop there for scientific reasons or simply to take a look around. Hopefully, we'll find some of what makes this system interesting too.
With the Avenger being repaired, the crew (Keve specifically) are turning their mind back to scientific discovery as part of the Geology and Organics Department. Dropping into systems and mapping planets is what Keve's good at, and we're all excited to see what discoveries we can make in the future.
In other news, the crew we left in Pallaeni have joined the Pallaeni General Co. militia, and have been hunting down pirates in the system and a few neighboring systems and trying to figure out why the attacks have been happening. Adam's team is apparently spending their time examining ships that come in for repairs from pirate attacks, analyzing the types of weapons that these fighters have, and scanning the space around known attacks in the hopes of finding wreckage from their ships. So far their efforts have turned up nothing usable, but there's always hope.
Though shaken from our own encounter with pirates, the crew of the Avenger and I are optimistic about our future exploits as part of the Distant Worlds expedition and are excited to see more of the galaxy we call home.
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captain's Log.
The Avenger is now space-worthy again! Outfitted with a new-and-improved FSD drive and a fuel scoop to match, the Avenger's range is now functionally infinite. It's nice to know that we don't have to rely on stations and ports to refuel and can just skim over a star or two on the way to recharge our engines. Fuel scooping can be dangerous, but only if you're not paying attention. Or if you get to close to the star. With all of our new modules, repairs, and updates, we're finally ready to head to the first stop on our way to The Omega Nebula: Shapely 1.
None of the crew really know much about Shapely, other than that it has been marked as a point of interest in many manuals, and nearly every exploratory flight that passes nearby has made a stop there for scientific reasons or simply to take a look around. Hopefully, we'll find some of what makes this system interesting too.
With the Avenger being repaired, the crew (Keve specifically) are turning their mind back to scientific discovery as part of the Geology and Organics Department. Dropping into systems and mapping planets is what Keve's good at, and we're all excited to see what discoveries we can make in the future.
In other news, the crew we left in Pallaeni have joined the Pallaeni General Co. militia, and have been hunting down pirates in the system and a few neighboring systems and trying to figure out why the attacks have been happening. Adam's team is apparently spending their time examining ships that come in for repairs from pirate attacks, analyzing the types of weapons that these fighters have, and scanning the space around known attacks in the hopes of finding wreckage from their ships. So far their efforts have turned up nothing usable, but there's always hope.
Though shaken from our own encounter with pirates, the crew of the Avenger and I are optimistic about our future exploits as part of the Distant Worlds expedition and are excited to see more of the galaxy we call home.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Entry 006: [Slight Setback]
LOCATION: Bakewell Point, Pallaeni System, Independent Territory, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captain's Log.
There's been a bit of a setback in the expedition on the part of the Avenger. While traversing independent space on the way to the first waypoint for the Distant Worlds expedition, we were attacked by a crew of pirates.
We detected a distress signal on our way through Col 285 Sector BX-F B26-1. Upon dropping into normalspace at the signal source, we found a passenger ship running on emergency fuel. We launched fuel limpits to give the ship enough fuel to make the flight to the nearest station, and the minute the stranded ship got underway, panels on the front opened to reveal hardpoints that were previously undetected by our scanners, and banked to attack.
The skeleton crew of the Avenger scrambled to battle stations, and with the information that Keve was able to get from a ship scan before the scanners were jammed, we could tell immediately that we were outgunned. We elected instead for a retreat, hoping to lose them in hyperspace. Engaging the FSD, we left normalspace and started making our way back across the system, hoping to make the jump before the pirates caught up to us. No such luck.
Upon entering hyperspace, our scanners picked up 3 more ships: fighters all of them. We maxed out our speed and put nearly full-power to engine modules. We had almost made it within range of a jump point when we were hit with an interdictor blast. I took over the helm from Adam, while he ran back to the rear of the ship with Katha to make emergency repairs to the propulsion systems and to lash everything in the hold down safely.
The ship dropped forcibly into normalspace, knocking everyone in the cockpit around rather severely, the emergency dropout function engaging, slowing the ship to a fraction of its normal running speed. As I battled desperately with the controls to regain full speed, Murph started plotting a route back to the nearest station: Bakewell Point, several systems back in Pallaeni. She reluctantly put in the coordinates, cursing the fact that there weren't any closer stations, and the computer began its calculations. Just as we regained full flight control, we heard the blast of a ship dropping out of supercruise just behind us. Pushing the throttle to full forward power, we zipped away just in time to avoid an EMP blast, no doubt targeted at taking out our shields.
Adam and Katha returned topside, Adam despondent about the state of the FSD. It appeared that even if the navicomputer completed its calculations before we were shot out of the black, the FSD would still need several minutes of cooldown before we could hope to go anywhere. We all settled in with a grim determination.
Everyone was sent to perform a different task in the hopes of delaying our attackers. Keve began releasing emergency broadcasts to any Federal Security agents in the system or nearby; Katha took position on the rear turret and began making precision shots to take out enemy modules; Murph took the forward gun, while Adam went to coax the FSD back to health and I maneuvered to dodge laser fire and hopefully get a few shots back with the primary weapons. A few minutes of stressful dogfighting passed, and we managed to destroy our first pursuer. However, the explosion of the enemy fuel reserve was followed almost immediately by the blast of 3 other FSD wakes, and the other 3 members of the pirate crew arrived, hot on our tail. Their combined fire kept us in retreat, unable to return much fire of our own. For a moment, I almost lost hope, and then the navicomputer beeped. The FSD was charged. There was a collective sigh as I initiated the jump. Already at full speed, the charge-up didn't take long and we blinked away from the pirates.
Upon dropping into normalspace at Pallaeni however, we found that our FSD had been damaged irreparably, and there didn't seem to be a single part of it salvageable. Adam and the remaining team, who were rather surprised to see us back so soon, certainly have their work cut out for them.
SUPPLEMENTAL: The Avenger has been outfitted with a new FSD, this one more powerful and longer-lasting than the last. Adam has recommended the purchase of a fuel scoop as well, to prevent our needing to slow down in potentially-dangerous systems in the future. The scoop is a more sophisticated piece of technology, however, and is taking significantly longer to fit on the ship. The rest of us have the next day or so to relax from our ordeal, and make a few calls to different parties who would be interested in this newest addition to the pirate activity surrounding the expedition. We also received news that a rather infamous CMDR had apparently sided with the pirates and has taken to attacking Expedition ships. The Expedition being so big (10,000 CMDRs was the last count I saw!), it was bound to draw some more-sinister attention.
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captain's Log.
There's been a bit of a setback in the expedition on the part of the Avenger. While traversing independent space on the way to the first waypoint for the Distant Worlds expedition, we were attacked by a crew of pirates.
We detected a distress signal on our way through Col 285 Sector BX-F B26-1. Upon dropping into normalspace at the signal source, we found a passenger ship running on emergency fuel. We launched fuel limpits to give the ship enough fuel to make the flight to the nearest station, and the minute the stranded ship got underway, panels on the front opened to reveal hardpoints that were previously undetected by our scanners, and banked to attack.
The skeleton crew of the Avenger scrambled to battle stations, and with the information that Keve was able to get from a ship scan before the scanners were jammed, we could tell immediately that we were outgunned. We elected instead for a retreat, hoping to lose them in hyperspace. Engaging the FSD, we left normalspace and started making our way back across the system, hoping to make the jump before the pirates caught up to us. No such luck.
Upon entering hyperspace, our scanners picked up 3 more ships: fighters all of them. We maxed out our speed and put nearly full-power to engine modules. We had almost made it within range of a jump point when we were hit with an interdictor blast. I took over the helm from Adam, while he ran back to the rear of the ship with Katha to make emergency repairs to the propulsion systems and to lash everything in the hold down safely.
The ship dropped forcibly into normalspace, knocking everyone in the cockpit around rather severely, the emergency dropout function engaging, slowing the ship to a fraction of its normal running speed. As I battled desperately with the controls to regain full speed, Murph started plotting a route back to the nearest station: Bakewell Point, several systems back in Pallaeni. She reluctantly put in the coordinates, cursing the fact that there weren't any closer stations, and the computer began its calculations. Just as we regained full flight control, we heard the blast of a ship dropping out of supercruise just behind us. Pushing the throttle to full forward power, we zipped away just in time to avoid an EMP blast, no doubt targeted at taking out our shields.
Adam and Katha returned topside, Adam despondent about the state of the FSD. It appeared that even if the navicomputer completed its calculations before we were shot out of the black, the FSD would still need several minutes of cooldown before we could hope to go anywhere. We all settled in with a grim determination.
Everyone was sent to perform a different task in the hopes of delaying our attackers. Keve began releasing emergency broadcasts to any Federal Security agents in the system or nearby; Katha took position on the rear turret and began making precision shots to take out enemy modules; Murph took the forward gun, while Adam went to coax the FSD back to health and I maneuvered to dodge laser fire and hopefully get a few shots back with the primary weapons. A few minutes of stressful dogfighting passed, and we managed to destroy our first pursuer. However, the explosion of the enemy fuel reserve was followed almost immediately by the blast of 3 other FSD wakes, and the other 3 members of the pirate crew arrived, hot on our tail. Their combined fire kept us in retreat, unable to return much fire of our own. For a moment, I almost lost hope, and then the navicomputer beeped. The FSD was charged. There was a collective sigh as I initiated the jump. Already at full speed, the charge-up didn't take long and we blinked away from the pirates.
Upon dropping into normalspace at Pallaeni however, we found that our FSD had been damaged irreparably, and there didn't seem to be a single part of it salvageable. Adam and the remaining team, who were rather surprised to see us back so soon, certainly have their work cut out for them.
SUPPLEMENTAL: The Avenger has been outfitted with a new FSD, this one more powerful and longer-lasting than the last. Adam has recommended the purchase of a fuel scoop as well, to prevent our needing to slow down in potentially-dangerous systems in the future. The scoop is a more sophisticated piece of technology, however, and is taking significantly longer to fit on the ship. The rest of us have the next day or so to relax from our ordeal, and make a few calls to different parties who would be interested in this newest addition to the pirate activity surrounding the expedition. We also received news that a rather infamous CMDR had apparently sided with the pirates and has taken to attacking Expedition ships. The Expedition being so big (10,000 CMDRs was the last count I saw!), it was bound to draw some more-sinister attention.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Entry 005: [Launch!]
LOCATION: Bakewell Point, Pallaeni System, Independent Territory, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captains Log.
The expedition is officially underway! Today at 20:00 UTC the first fleet of the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition was launched. The crew and I were listening to the Distant Radio frequency while the launch of Fleet 1 was broadcast along with music to keep everyone in good spirits. The first waypoint was broadcast and the CMDRs of Fleet 1 took off. The Adam told me later that his crew (listening to the frequency in their quarters on Bakewell Point) and much of the crew of the Point itself cheered the launch when it was announced, and some reported that they could hear the sound of FSDs firing in the distance accompanied by a barrage of flashing lights. I myself gave my own little cheer from the surface of Pallaeni A1 while scavenging some last-minute synthesis supplies. I want to be prepared since we're in Fleet 2, which launches in approximately 5 hours, followed by Fleet 3 not long after. This is a huge day for exploration, science, and space travel in general!
SUPPLEMENTAL: Upon returning to Bakewell Point I was surprised by the crew with a farewell party, organized by Adam and his team. We used the opportunity to thank everyone that has helped us thus far and say goodbye before going to our pre-launch posts. Adam checking the Avenger's systems, myself running through diagnostics, checks, making sure all my licenses are up to date and checking the navigational systems and plotting courses. T minus 4.5 hours until launch!
SUPPLEMENTAL: Fleet 2 of the Distant World's 2 Expedition has officially launched, and the Avenger with them! The Expedition leaders have broadcast the waypoint for Fleet 2 and some suggested places to see along the way, and with this information logged into our computers, Adam, the crew, and I all look forward to adventuring through the galaxy with the rest of the pilots involved.
The launch was bittersweet for some, leaving behind a large portion of the crew at Bakewell, but we're all very excited to see parts of the galaxy we've never seen or even dreamt of. The Avenger is currently in the HR 5413 System as I write this log, preparing to begin the route to The Omega Nebula. We were given a recommended route by the expedition's navigators, and the crew has elected to take that route so we can see the sights along the way.
The launch went rather smoothly; we had an isolated instance or two of pirates attempting to interfere, but the Fleet's fighter escort was able to deal with the threat quickly. Chances are these were more of the same pirates I learned about earlier that have been trolling the Pallaeni system. Hopefully, the crew I left behind will be able to help the system in whatever way they can. On the topic of the crew, I will here record the current crew of the Avenger:
Tarthalinor "Tarth" Elandan: Human, Male
Position: Commander, Navigator
Adam Campbell: Human, Male
Position: Chief Engineer, Co-Pilot
Jane "Murph" Murphy: Human (augmented), Female
Position: Communications, Mapping
Katha Colly: Human, Female
Position: Second Engineer, Loadmaster
Keve Edwan: Human (augmented), Male
Position: Science Officer, Superpower Relations, Data Technician
The crew is in remarkably good spirits considering we all have to do a number of jobs. In the above record, each crewmember is listed with the positions they most often fulfill, but we each take on what jobs we need in order to keep the Avenger running smoothly. The only person who sometimes mildly complains about this is Keve, but we let it go. Keve's an Imperial, he likes things just so, and we humor him. And tease him. He takes it well though.
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captains Log.
The expedition is officially underway! Today at 20:00 UTC the first fleet of the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition was launched. The crew and I were listening to the Distant Radio frequency while the launch of Fleet 1 was broadcast along with music to keep everyone in good spirits. The first waypoint was broadcast and the CMDRs of Fleet 1 took off. The Adam told me later that his crew (listening to the frequency in their quarters on Bakewell Point) and much of the crew of the Point itself cheered the launch when it was announced, and some reported that they could hear the sound of FSDs firing in the distance accompanied by a barrage of flashing lights. I myself gave my own little cheer from the surface of Pallaeni A1 while scavenging some last-minute synthesis supplies. I want to be prepared since we're in Fleet 2, which launches in approximately 5 hours, followed by Fleet 3 not long after. This is a huge day for exploration, science, and space travel in general!
SUPPLEMENTAL: Upon returning to Bakewell Point I was surprised by the crew with a farewell party, organized by Adam and his team. We used the opportunity to thank everyone that has helped us thus far and say goodbye before going to our pre-launch posts. Adam checking the Avenger's systems, myself running through diagnostics, checks, making sure all my licenses are up to date and checking the navigational systems and plotting courses. T minus 4.5 hours until launch!
SUPPLEMENTAL: Fleet 2 of the Distant World's 2 Expedition has officially launched, and the Avenger with them! The Expedition leaders have broadcast the waypoint for Fleet 2 and some suggested places to see along the way, and with this information logged into our computers, Adam, the crew, and I all look forward to adventuring through the galaxy with the rest of the pilots involved.
The launch was bittersweet for some, leaving behind a large portion of the crew at Bakewell, but we're all very excited to see parts of the galaxy we've never seen or even dreamt of. The Avenger is currently in the HR 5413 System as I write this log, preparing to begin the route to The Omega Nebula. We were given a recommended route by the expedition's navigators, and the crew has elected to take that route so we can see the sights along the way.
The launch went rather smoothly; we had an isolated instance or two of pirates attempting to interfere, but the Fleet's fighter escort was able to deal with the threat quickly. Chances are these were more of the same pirates I learned about earlier that have been trolling the Pallaeni system. Hopefully, the crew I left behind will be able to help the system in whatever way they can. On the topic of the crew, I will here record the current crew of the Avenger:
Tarthalinor "Tarth" Elandan: Human, Male
Position: Commander, Navigator
Adam Campbell: Human, Male
Position: Chief Engineer, Co-Pilot
Jane "Murph" Murphy: Human (augmented), Female
Position: Communications, Mapping
Katha Colly: Human, Female
Position: Second Engineer, Loadmaster
Keve Edwan: Human (augmented), Male
Position: Science Officer, Superpower Relations, Data Technician
The crew is in remarkably good spirits considering we all have to do a number of jobs. In the above record, each crewmember is listed with the positions they most often fulfill, but we each take on what jobs we need in order to keep the Avenger running smoothly. The only person who sometimes mildly complains about this is Keve, but we let it go. Keve's an Imperial, he likes things just so, and we humor him. And tease him. He takes it well though.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Entry 004: [Pre-Expedition Training]
LOCATION: Bakewell Point, Pallaeni System, Independent Territory, Inner Orion Spur
Captain's Log.
We've returned to Bakewell Point after repairs to the Avenger were completed. To test out yet more modifications made to the engines and internal systems of the ship (again by Adam and his team), we made an exploratory venture down to Pallaeni A2, landing not far from the Napier Lab. After driving in the SRV for a while, I found a large canyon and decided to photograph it for posterity and to get some practice for my work in the Geology and Organics department for the upcoming expedition. In getting used to the cameras, I also got some good pictures of the night sky above Pallaeni A2.
The line that the nebula cuts across the sky at night here is impressive, I never saw anything like it back home. The Canyon was unfortunately on the dark side of the planet, so I was forced to take raw images from the interior and turret cams on the SRV rather than use the cam drones.
This was the best picture I was able to get with the drones, which shows the height of the canyon rather well. The rest of the images we took were submitted to the expedition's discovery logs. For pilots interested, our logged location for the canyon was approximately -61.0240* by -178.9802*.
Upon returning to the ship and to the crew's quarters on Eyharts Point to prepare to take-off, I found our rooms being searched by security personnel, and crew members being interrogated. Apparently, they've heard rumors of industrial sabotiers going between stations recently, working for one group or another, and that they have been intercepting supply ships that arrived in Pallaeni. I described our two encounters with 'pirates' and that seemed to satisfy them that we weren't working with the criminals. This left the crew a bit more paranoid, or in Adam's case not much more paranoid than usual.
The expedition is rapidly approaching, and it doesn't seem possible. In only two days now, Adam, a small skeleton crew, and I will be leaving this system and most of the Avenger's crew behind on a journey beyond the reach of maps, far beyond anything any of us could imagine exploring even. Adam is more anxious about it that I would have thought at first, but then again neither of us have left the Inner Orion Spur in our entire career, our families and friends haven't left the sector either, at least to our knowledge. And I thought the run from LHS 3447 to Deciat was a long one. I didn't even cross a major border! Adam seems finally satisfied with the condition of the FSD and thrusters on board, which is something of a relief, probably to his team as well. From the sound of it, they were up late several nights fiddling with some inner working or other. Whatever they were doing, though, it worked! Our jump range has markedly increased. It's still not great compared to some ships, but we're just an exploration vessel, it can't hurt to take a little extra time and get to explore.
I need to go make some more plans for the expedition and finish briefing what crew we're going to take with us.
Captain's Log.
We've returned to Bakewell Point after repairs to the Avenger were completed. To test out yet more modifications made to the engines and internal systems of the ship (again by Adam and his team), we made an exploratory venture down to Pallaeni A2, landing not far from the Napier Lab. After driving in the SRV for a while, I found a large canyon and decided to photograph it for posterity and to get some practice for my work in the Geology and Organics department for the upcoming expedition. In getting used to the cameras, I also got some good pictures of the night sky above Pallaeni A2.
The line that the nebula cuts across the sky at night here is impressive, I never saw anything like it back home. The Canyon was unfortunately on the dark side of the planet, so I was forced to take raw images from the interior and turret cams on the SRV rather than use the cam drones.
This was the best picture I was able to get with the drones, which shows the height of the canyon rather well. The rest of the images we took were submitted to the expedition's discovery logs. For pilots interested, our logged location for the canyon was approximately -61.0240* by -178.9802*.
Upon returning to the ship and to the crew's quarters on Eyharts Point to prepare to take-off, I found our rooms being searched by security personnel, and crew members being interrogated. Apparently, they've heard rumors of industrial sabotiers going between stations recently, working for one group or another, and that they have been intercepting supply ships that arrived in Pallaeni. I described our two encounters with 'pirates' and that seemed to satisfy them that we weren't working with the criminals. This left the crew a bit more paranoid, or in Adam's case not much more paranoid than usual.
The expedition is rapidly approaching, and it doesn't seem possible. In only two days now, Adam, a small skeleton crew, and I will be leaving this system and most of the Avenger's crew behind on a journey beyond the reach of maps, far beyond anything any of us could imagine exploring even. Adam is more anxious about it that I would have thought at first, but then again neither of us have left the Inner Orion Spur in our entire career, our families and friends haven't left the sector either, at least to our knowledge. And I thought the run from LHS 3447 to Deciat was a long one. I didn't even cross a major border! Adam seems finally satisfied with the condition of the FSD and thrusters on board, which is something of a relief, probably to his team as well. From the sound of it, they were up late several nights fiddling with some inner working or other. Whatever they were doing, though, it worked! Our jump range has markedly increased. It's still not great compared to some ships, but we're just an exploration vessel, it can't hurt to take a little extra time and get to explore.
I need to go make some more plans for the expedition and finish briefing what crew we're going to take with us.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Entry 003: [More Preparations for Distant Worlds 3305]
LOCATION: Eyharts Depot, Pallaeni System, Independent Territory, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Update/Incident Report
Captain's Log. [inaudible]
Uh, Adam what was...
Ah, ahem.
Captain's Log. We're currently docked in Eyharts Depot above Pallaeni A2 for some minor repairs. I decided that since we had a few days before the expedition launches (hard to believe it's only 3 days!) I would take some time to explore this system and see if I could gather some materials that we might find useful during the journey. Unfortunately, during the flight across the system to Pallaeni A2, we were interdicted again, and though we escaped it brought us out much closer to the planet than we had planned, causing a slightly rough landing -- [inaudible]
Ahem...causing a rather rough landing.
The Avenger sustained no major damage during the attack or subsequent...landing, but the crew and I were rather rattled, and the SRV sustained some minor damage as a mooring cable broke loose. Other than a cracked windshield and some minor dings, the vehicle was undamaged. Some scraps of material were also mined from the planet's surface, and broken down into Sulfur, Cadmium, and Carbon.
We made the brief hop from A2's surface up to the Depot to refuel and make repairs. Adam, our 'chief engineer' is overseeing the Depot's repairmen and making sure they don't undo his work on the propulsion system. I think he may just be paranoid. [inaudible]
Well, you are! At least about the ship!
The Distant Radio frequency has been quite helpful in keeping the crew and me sane, and we've taken to listening to it as we work even if we're not in flight. The crew morale (and my own) is relatively high, despite the number of incidents in the past few days; hopefully, that holds true during the expedition. I have high hopes for the journey and look forward to seeing something outside the Inner Orion Spur. It's rather shocking the amount of ground we're going to cover, especially to someone who's only ever lived in one sector their entire life. It's as exciting as it is terrifying.
I'll attach the incident report below.
Incident Type: Collision/Crash/Accidental Damage
Location: Pallaeni A2, Pallaeni System, Inner Orion Spur
Incident Description: Emergency Frameshift Manuevers led to a near-crash on Pallaeni A2, minor damages.
Damages: To Ship: Minor landing gear damage, Paintjob damage, Minor vehicle bay damage.
To SRV: Cracked windshield, Minor hull damage,
Action Taken: Repair/Replacement
Repair Costs: 10 Credits for SRV repairs, 28 Credits for interior and exterior ship repairs.
REPORT TYPE: Update/Incident Report
Captain's Log. [inaudible]
Uh, Adam what was...
Ah, ahem.
Captain's Log. We're currently docked in Eyharts Depot above Pallaeni A2 for some minor repairs. I decided that since we had a few days before the expedition launches (hard to believe it's only 3 days!) I would take some time to explore this system and see if I could gather some materials that we might find useful during the journey. Unfortunately, during the flight across the system to Pallaeni A2, we were interdicted again, and though we escaped it brought us out much closer to the planet than we had planned, causing a slightly rough landing -- [inaudible]
Ahem...causing a rather rough landing.
The Avenger sustained no major damage during the attack or subsequent...landing, but the crew and I were rather rattled, and the SRV sustained some minor damage as a mooring cable broke loose. Other than a cracked windshield and some minor dings, the vehicle was undamaged. Some scraps of material were also mined from the planet's surface, and broken down into Sulfur, Cadmium, and Carbon.
We made the brief hop from A2's surface up to the Depot to refuel and make repairs. Adam, our 'chief engineer' is overseeing the Depot's repairmen and making sure they don't undo his work on the propulsion system. I think he may just be paranoid. [inaudible]
Well, you are! At least about the ship!
The Distant Radio frequency has been quite helpful in keeping the crew and me sane, and we've taken to listening to it as we work even if we're not in flight. The crew morale (and my own) is relatively high, despite the number of incidents in the past few days; hopefully, that holds true during the expedition. I have high hopes for the journey and look forward to seeing something outside the Inner Orion Spur. It's rather shocking the amount of ground we're going to cover, especially to someone who's only ever lived in one sector their entire life. It's as exciting as it is terrifying.
I'll attach the incident report below.
Incident Type: Collision/Crash/Accidental Damage
Location: Pallaeni A2, Pallaeni System, Inner Orion Spur
Incident Description: Emergency Frameshift Manuevers led to a near-crash on Pallaeni A2, minor damages.
Damages: To Ship: Minor landing gear damage, Paintjob damage, Minor vehicle bay damage.
To SRV: Cracked windshield, Minor hull damage,
Action Taken: Repair/Replacement
Repair Costs: 10 Credits for SRV repairs, 28 Credits for interior and exterior ship repairs.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Entry 002: [Expedition Update]
LOCATION: Bakewell Point, Pallaeni System, Independent Territory, Inner Orion Spur
Captain's Log.
Yeah, definitely starting every log like that now, great thinking Tarth.
Er, Captain's Log. We have arrived safely in the Pallaeni System with minimal incident. We had a minor run-in with some pirates that seemed (according to their comms chatter which Adam managed to pick up) to be after the medical supplies that we were carrying to Pallaeni, but we narrowly avoided interdiction due to some clever flying on my part and some clever systems manipulation on the part of my crew. The encounter shook us all up a bit, seeing as we weren't expecting any combat en route to the expedition waypoint, but you never know with Anarchic systems. At least no civilian ships nearby were attacked.
Upon arriving in the Pallaeni System, we scouted around a bit, gathering what map data we could before interfacing with the nav beacon of the system to update the old data we were carrying. I also took us on an experimental pass by Brook's Point, the approximate meeting location for the expedition launch. I didn't realize security would be so high around a simple science probe, and may or may not have incurred a fine by flying too close to it. Luckily, nothing that would prohibit me from returning to a station to pay it off. Pallaeni A 1, the planet the Point is located on, is much smaller than I anticipated, and I turned out to be a bit rusty in my planetary approaches. No harm no foul though.
After checking out Brook's Point, we decided to set up at Bakewell Point, an orbital station above Pallaeni A 1, which provided a convenient spot to use as a temporary home while the preparations for the Expedition continue, mostly on our part. While docked, Adam and his team of engineers (they're definitely his engineers now) made some upgrades to our FSD and thrusters, increasing our warp speed, jump range, and normal thruster capacity. How he managed it, I have no idea. Engineering was only a minor at TSCA for me, I don't have any idea how he does some of the things he does. I'm lucky to have him along.
Coming into the system also brought us in range to be able to better pick up the Distant Radio 3305 frequency, which members of the Distant Worlds Expedition created to provide some entertainment, information, and music during the lengthy expedition. For the sake of record keepers,[ the frequency for Distant Radio can be found here.]
Captain's Log.
Yeah, definitely starting every log like that now, great thinking Tarth.
Er, Captain's Log. We have arrived safely in the Pallaeni System with minimal incident. We had a minor run-in with some pirates that seemed (according to their comms chatter which Adam managed to pick up) to be after the medical supplies that we were carrying to Pallaeni, but we narrowly avoided interdiction due to some clever flying on my part and some clever systems manipulation on the part of my crew. The encounter shook us all up a bit, seeing as we weren't expecting any combat en route to the expedition waypoint, but you never know with Anarchic systems. At least no civilian ships nearby were attacked.
Upon arriving in the Pallaeni System, we scouted around a bit, gathering what map data we could before interfacing with the nav beacon of the system to update the old data we were carrying. I also took us on an experimental pass by Brook's Point, the approximate meeting location for the expedition launch. I didn't realize security would be so high around a simple science probe, and may or may not have incurred a fine by flying too close to it. Luckily, nothing that would prohibit me from returning to a station to pay it off. Pallaeni A 1, the planet the Point is located on, is much smaller than I anticipated, and I turned out to be a bit rusty in my planetary approaches. No harm no foul though.
After checking out Brook's Point, we decided to set up at Bakewell Point, an orbital station above Pallaeni A 1, which provided a convenient spot to use as a temporary home while the preparations for the Expedition continue, mostly on our part. While docked, Adam and his team of engineers (they're definitely his engineers now) made some upgrades to our FSD and thrusters, increasing our warp speed, jump range, and normal thruster capacity. How he managed it, I have no idea. Engineering was only a minor at TSCA for me, I don't have any idea how he does some of the things he does. I'm lucky to have him along.
Coming into the system also brought us in range to be able to better pick up the Distant Radio 3305 frequency, which members of the Distant Worlds Expedition created to provide some entertainment, information, and music during the lengthy expedition. For the sake of record keepers,[ the frequency for Distant Radio can be found here.]
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Entry 001: [Title? Why?]
LOCATION: Buchli Enterprise, Ugricopa System, Federation Space, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Log/Update's Log: Stardate---
Wait no. No computer erase that...please?
Ok well, here we go.
The Avenger is currently docked at Buchli Enterprise, in Federation Space. We are en route to Pallaeni to meet up with the Distant Worlds 3305 Expedition where I plan to sign on as a member of the Geology and Organics Department in the mission to the far side of the galaxy. I'm a bit apprehensive, going into this mission as a relatively amateur pilot, but I figure that the mission is large enough that it should even out. I've never even left the Inner Orion Spur in my two years of freelancing, so it's a big step from here to the other side of the galaxy.
Adam's a bit nervous on my behalf and reluctant to let me go for 18 weeks, and I'm going to miss him, but this is an opportunity I can't pass up and he understands that. I'm negotiating now with some higher-ups actually to see if I can get him aboard the Avenger as some sort of attendant or aid maybe. That way he can come with me. Hopefully, he doesn't get space-sick too easily. Got a meeting to get to about that now. Will update later.
SUPPLEMENTAL: So...I managed to get Adam a place on the Avenger. As ground-crew. At least he majored in engineering. And he'll be able to fly with me. But he'll also have to do some work. And will have to stay in ground-crew quarters when we dock. Let's hope that he doesn't bite my head off about this.
SUPPLEMENTAL 2: So I told Adam and he seems surprisingly okay with it. He even made a joke about getting to wear 'one of those sexy mechanic uniforms'. Fuck probably shouldn't have said that out loud. Uh...backspace? Erase? Delete? Alright fine be that way, that's just part of the log now.
SUPPLEMENTAL 3: Heading out of Buchli now, en route to Pallaeni and the Distant Worlds waypoint. Wish us luck. And good riddance to you, computer, I've never had such a temperamental
REPORT TYPE: Log/Update's Log: Stardate---
Wait no. No computer erase that...please?
Ok well, here we go.
The Avenger is currently docked at Buchli Enterprise, in Federation Space. We are en route to Pallaeni to meet up with the Distant Worlds 3305 Expedition where I plan to sign on as a member of the Geology and Organics Department in the mission to the far side of the galaxy. I'm a bit apprehensive, going into this mission as a relatively amateur pilot, but I figure that the mission is large enough that it should even out. I've never even left the Inner Orion Spur in my two years of freelancing, so it's a big step from here to the other side of the galaxy.
Adam's a bit nervous on my behalf and reluctant to let me go for 18 weeks, and I'm going to miss him, but this is an opportunity I can't pass up and he understands that. I'm negotiating now with some higher-ups actually to see if I can get him aboard the Avenger as some sort of attendant or aid maybe. That way he can come with me. Hopefully, he doesn't get space-sick too easily. Got a meeting to get to about that now. Will update later.
SUPPLEMENTAL: So...I managed to get Adam a place on the Avenger. As ground-crew. At least he majored in engineering. And he'll be able to fly with me. But he'll also have to do some work. And will have to stay in ground-crew quarters when we dock. Let's hope that he doesn't bite my head off about this.
SUPPLEMENTAL 2: So I told Adam and he seems surprisingly okay with it. He even made a joke about getting to wear 'one of those sexy mechanic uniforms'. Fuck probably shouldn't have said that out loud. Uh...backspace? Erase? Delete? Alright fine be that way, that's just part of the log now.
SUPPLEMENTAL 3: Heading out of Buchli now, en route to Pallaeni and the Distant Worlds waypoint. Wish us luck. And good riddance to you, computer, I've never had such a temperamental
Monday, January 7, 2019
Captain's Log: Introductory Entry
CMDR: Tarthalinor "Tarth" Elandan
VESSEL: Delacy TED-003 [named Avenger]
CURRENT POSITION: Yaping Enterprise, LHS-2447 A3, Federation Space
INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT: [transcribed from audio for use in voice-recognition later]: This is Tarthalinor Elandan, Captain of the Avenger, Delacy Tango-Echo-Delta zero-zero-three. [incoherent] uh, so....ahem. The Avenger is an exploratory vessel, built to fulfill a number of roles: combat support, intelligence and research, planetary surface exploration, and cargo transport. [end voice recognition diagnostic and callibration]
CMDR EXPERIENCE: I graduated from Turner Space Combat Academy in 3303, where I specialized in exploration and investigation. Other skills include:
VESSEL: Delacy TED-003 [named Avenger]
CURRENT POSITION: Yaping Enterprise, LHS-2447 A3, Federation Space
INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT: [transcribed from audio for use in voice-recognition later]: This is Tarthalinor Elandan, Captain of the Avenger, Delacy Tango-Echo-Delta zero-zero-three. [incoherent] uh, so....ahem. The Avenger is an exploratory vessel, built to fulfill a number of roles: combat support, intelligence and research, planetary surface exploration, and cargo transport. [end voice recognition diagnostic and callibration]
CMDR EXPERIENCE: I graduated from Turner Space Combat Academy in 3303, where I specialized in exploration and investigation. Other skills include:
- Datapacket Recovery and Delivery
- SRV Piloting
- Material Salvage (Terrestrial and Celestial)
- Religious Studies (Introduction to Ancient Religions I)
- Political Studies (Inter-System Politics I and II)
- Search and Rescue (Non-practical)
- Basics of Celestial Combat (Simulation experience only)
- Minor Experience in each of the following: FSD Repair, Electrical Systems Engineering, Material Manipulation and Synergistics, and Celestial Society Dynamics.
CMDR NOTES: I once read a copy of "101 Gourmet Meals You Can Create with Only a Mineral Planet". Not sure I could actually survive if I got stranded. Which is depressing to think about. Oh, also I have a little experience with actually mapping planet surfaces...even though I lost the map. That was only one though! I sold the others!
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