LOCATION: Blue Thua DP-A C3 System, Anarchic Space, Inner Orion Spur
REPORT TYPE: Expeditionary Update
Captain's Log.
The expedition has been going well. We are currently orbiting the main star of the Blue Thua DP-A C3 system to refuel. We've gotten quite good at fuel scooping, learning to manage the length of the process, though it still takes about 20 minutes to fill our reserves. The ahead team has fully established the base in the Orion Nebula, which so we will hopefully be able to rest upon arriving, at least for a time.
We've been staving off boredom by alternating between listening to the Distant Radio frequency, and by going through a log audiobooks. We've made it through almost a decade of literature in the last week, and have settled into an anthology of rather unsettling fiction by someone by the name of H. P. Lovecraft. It's enjoyable, but it does tend to make you paranoid to hear about ancient aliens when flying through the vast expanse of space.
Murph received a transmission from Pallaeni a day ago, presumably from the team back at the station. They've been working to uncover more information about the pirate attacks, but they don't seem optimistic. We've wished them luck, and requested that they keep us up to date with the goings-on back in the system.
Our next destination is Blue Thua KK-Z B2, and from there on to the Omega Nebula. With any luck, the journey shouldn't take long, though it seems to be stretching out forever at this rate.
SUPPLEMENTAL: We have just received word from the team in Pallaeni again, saying that the station was attacked by pirates. It's surprising that the pirates would actually be bold enough to attack a station, so there must be something more going on. We briefly debated turning back, but we're so far out that there's no way we would arrive in time to be any help. We're sending word to any allies in the area that could possibly lend any aid.
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